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Business and Financial News, January 2007.
Tougher Tests for Young Drivers
Tougher Tests for Young Drivers

January 2007

Government MP's Seek Tougher Tests for Young Drivers
The following fact bares out a stark and harrowing reality on British roads - 'In 2005, 846 young drivers were killed on UK roads'.

As a consequence of the above the UK Government is facing increasing pressure from various lobby groups to introduce tougher tests and restrictions on Young Drivers, in order to cut the number of people killed on the roads each year. Specifically ministers are being urged to adopt a graduated licensing scheme, which would force Learners to spend at least a year learning to drive.

Similar schemes have previously been introduced in California where the number of crashes involving 16-year olds has been slashed, and in New Zealand where reductions of up to 23% have been achieved.

Department of Transport research also suggests a 12-month minimum learning period would reduce deaths and serious injuries on UK roads by 1,000 each year. The move comes as a powerful House of Commons committee prepares to hear oral evidence on ways to cut young driver deaths.

The Commons transport committee is also looking at whether a new pre-test could cut accident rates. These requirements could include a compulsory number of hours or miles driven, additional training for motorway or night driving and mandatory professional tuition. There are also plans for Novice Drivers to complete a log book, detailing their driving experience in varying weather conditions.

An ABI spokesperson said the trade body was "encouraged" by the growing recognition of the issue and urged the government to look at "innovative" solutions.